In particular, thanks for your patience at the end there. I didn't want to just finish the fight and say it's over, but I didn't want to force you all to keep going just for some wrap-up RP. Feel free (on a voluntary basis, of course) to post the last thoughts of your character on the whole thing, if you like!
I may want to do a sequel some day, and I'll invite you all to play when the time comes. In the meantime, I've got to get some of my other games rolling along toward their end. I should never have launched so many of them, but I am quite happy to have done this one.
In retrospect, it wasn't a great adventure (I hear it was terribly butchered in editing for space). It really wasn't supposed to be long at all, either. In fact, think it could be run in a single four-hour session! (I added a whole lot at the beginning when I was enjoying the journey that have nothing to do with the adventure itself, which I enjoyed more than the actual adventure, but may have caused things to go on too long).
Anyway, again, thanks for joining me through it. Feel free to give me any feedback you like! I can take it.