The Eternum skin line certainly isn’t one of the big skins lines of League of Legends, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t badass.
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The red and metallic sci-fi effects make some of the game’s already fearsome champions into robotic, alien-like monstrosities with a knack for destruction. Before now, Nocturne and Rek’Sai were the only two, with Nocturne’s releasing in 2012 and Rek’Sai’s with her release in 2014. There’s a new one on the horizon, however, according to a PBE teaser posted on the official League of Legends Instagram.
Say hello to Eternum Cassiopeia.
This skin is no doubt just as scary as the others in the set, but that’s not the only reason we’re excited for it. Eternum Cass also happens to be her first skin since Jade Fang in 2013, which was released over four years ago. That definitely gives hope to the many fans praying to see a Jarvan or Yorick skin some time in the next century.
The skin alters her abilities and gives her all new animations and sound effects. The price is unknown so far, but Eternum Nocturne and Rek’Sai are 1820 and 1350 RP respectively, so it’ll likely be in that range.
The skin should hit the PBE this week as the new cycle for Patch 7.18 kicks off, and we can’t wait to try it out.